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Child-first Coaching Resources for Voice, Choice and Journey

Build Your Coaching Toolkit: Supporting Children and Young people To Have A Voice, Choice And Ownership Over Their Journey In Sport And Physical Activity


Let's pass the mic! Utilise our Play Their Way child-first coaching resources to ensure children and young people have the space to share their thoughts and be heard on the sporting experiences that they really want.

Worksheet: 6 simple VOICE questions for self-reflection.

Challenge Yourself: Adapt your practice with these child-first coaching VOICE resolutions.

Checklist: Professor Laura Lundy's model will guide you on listening &  involving children in decision-making.

Video: Here from young people about what Youth Voice means to them.

Video: Listen to young people discuss what they would want to change in sport.

Video: This video from StreetGames explores the importance of building a trustful relationship.


Spark their imagination! Children and young people deserve the chance to share their ideas and shape how they play. Access some of our resources to support you to make this happen in your sessions. 

Worksheet: 6 simple CHOICE questions to develop imagination & creativity.

Challenge Yourself: Involve children in decision-making processes with these simple steps.

Game Ideas: Try these 5 simple games to support children have a choice in the way they play, develop & learn.

Worksheet: Young People created these ideas at Youth Sports Trust's Summit to help coaches encourage choice.

Activity Cards: Save time planning with  EnergiseMe Activity Cards to help with co-designing & delivering activities.


Every child's journey is valid, whether they want to go pro, or simply have fun. Take advantage of these free Journey resources to help support young people to take ownership of their own sporting experiences. 

Worksheet:  Self-reflection JOURNEY questions to support young people's  ownership of their sporting experiences.

Challenge Yourself: Utilise our resolutions worksheet to ensure young people have the right to develop.

E-Courses:  Check our Mind's e-courses on metal health awareness resources.

Worksheet: Young People created these ideas at Youth Sports Trust's Summit to help coaches celebrate diversity.

Video: StreetGames' She Got Game Be Collaborative resource supports coaches to create a culture where it is natural for girls to speak up .

Activity Library: Mind have worked with coaches to create this library of resources for coaches, so they can support the wellbeing of the children and young people they coach.

Resources For Young People

If you are looking for resources specifically for young people created by young people, these resources shared with us by the Children's Coaching Collaborative will further support with sporting opportunities and developing skills to be their own advocates. 

Toolkit: Toolkit from UNICEF UK will give your young people the skills and information to stand up for what is important to them. 

Digital  Community: UNICEF's  online platform seeks to create space that help young people develop , learn and be active global citizens.

Training Programme: StreetGames’ #NextGen programme is a comprehensive  development package that aims to transform young people into the leaders of tomorrow.

Person Before Player

Child-first coaching encourages you to consider the person before the player. Thanks to our child-first coaching community, we have been able to harness their experience and knowledge to share with you some resources to support your approach. 

Change It Model: A tool for maintaining inclusion, development and play.

Top Tips: Create an inclusive sport & physical activity environment with tips from Access Sport. 

Feedback Form: Encourage children to feedback after each session with this resource from the Government of Ireland.

Top Tips: Access bitesize tips from our coaching community on their top tips for being a child-first coach.

Skills For Success: Coaches have shared the qualities that make a great child-first coach.

Top Tips: Learn what the most important responsibilities are for a child-first coaches. 

Top Tips: Access bitesize tips from swimming coach Jemima Browning on inclusive communication.

Top Tips: Access bitesize tips from Dr Irfan Khawaja on coaching young people over Ramadan.

Top Tips: Access bitesize tips on how to encourage girls in sport and physical activity.

FAQs: Answers to common questions about working with guardians of LGBTQ+ children and young people.

Join the movement!

Whether as parents, coaches or young people, we all have a role to play in helping create a huge cultural shift in the way we engage children in physical activity, to help them become healthier and happier and to develop them as people.

Group of teenagers playing rugby


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