Young person swimming underwater, waving at the camera

Case For Change

A child’s sporting experience can impact their relationship with sport and activity for life… negatively or positively. Sector research shows that not enough children are having good experiences – and it’s holding them back from playing, exercising and enjoying sports. 

The Children’s Coaching Collaborative believe that child-first coaches are the key to unlocking those positive experiences – and transforming children and young people’s lives for good.

Right to Be Heard. Play. Develop.

The Children’s Coaching Collaborative’s fundamental truths  rest on every child’s right to play, to develop and to be heard. Above all, they are based on what children and young people have shown us they need for them to feel the fun, be heard, and have the freedom to shape their experience, so vital to their participation.

The more children enjoy sport and physical activity, the more holistic benefits they will experience, including motivation to participate, increased confidence and giving back to their community.

Barriers to enjoyment

Often the reason children and young people fall out of love with sport and physical activity, can relate to sessions being too serious with a heavy emphasis on skills and competitive success.

Addressing these barriers requires more focus on holistic well-being and development, including supporting young people to have the freedom to develop on their terms within their individual environments.

Coaching, which makes enjoyment a priority, can help foster long-term participation in addition to performance. This is why the Children’s Coaching Collaborative are seeking to kick-start a grassroots movement of “child-first” coaches across the county, focused on young people having fun – especially coaches of children from low-income and minority groups.

Foundational Insight

Interested to know more about the insight behind the campaign?

Download the foundational insight summary to learn more about the range of evidence sources that have informed the Movement’s conception.

Front cover for the founational insights summary behind the CCC and PTW campaign
Girls celebrate playing football

Our Philosophy

We believe that by making sport primarily about choice and engagement, children and young people will develop a genuine and lifelong love for being active.

Coach taking a photo with participants

What Coaches Think

We have been speaking directly to coaches to get a range of perspectives to inform and inspire the Play Their Way campaign.

Boy sat on a bench in a sports hall putting his hand up to ask a question


Answers to the most common questions we get asked about child-first coaching, the Children's Coaching Collaborative and the Play Their Way movement.


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