Youth Voice

The Children's Coaching Collaborative (CCC) are committed to respecting and promoting the rights of children and young people in sport. We want to ensure that youth voice is heard in every area of CCC work, we are therefore working towards embedding youth voice in this movement.

We are in the early stages of creating a youth voice mechanism and we are in a fortunate position of having some experienced partners who have successfully embedded this within their organisations:

Young People Talk About Sport

We spoke to Kentmere Community Centre young leaders group and asked them to share their experiences of sport. Here's what they had to say...

icon of two empty speech bubbles next to each other

Why Youth Voice?

Youth Sport Trust Co-design group members share their thoughts and feelings on this topic. 

Youth Voice Resources

Here are some CCC partner youth voice resources which we have found helpful on our youth voice journey. Why not take a look as they may help you shape what youth voice looks like in your context.

Professor Laura Lundy created the Lundy Model which is a framework which coaches can use to encourage participation in children and young people.

The CCC are using this model to develop their youth voice mechanism as it is a great guide on how to engage young people in a meaningful way.

If you are keen to embed youth voice in your organisation this model is a good place to start. 

Girls celebrate playing football

Youth Participation

Our partner UNICEF UK have a number of resources on youth participation in different settings.

Swimmer talking to his coach on the sidelines

Youth Board Members

Youth Sport Trust worked with the Sport and Recreation Alliance to create the Young Board Members online resource, to help other organisations engage with young people.

basketball players laughing with coach

Youth Involvement

This youth involvement toolkit will provide you with practical guidance on ways to involve young people.

StreetGames Next Gen Toolkit for Organisations

The Next Gen Guide

The Next Gen Guide from StreetGames is packed with info on their successful young leaders programme.

StreetGames 1000 young voices insight summary

1000 Young Voices Research

StreetGames asked 1000 young people to share their concerns, priorities, role models and more in this extensive research study.

StreetGames Organisational Change E Learning front cover

She Got Game E-Learning

This organisational change course enables organisations to reflect on current practices and provides resources and tasks to plan for the future.

Youth Engagement Toolkit from Energise Me Active Partnership

Engaging Young People

This toolkit will help you better understand the children and young people your organisation works with.

Coach Core youth voice info pack image

Coach Core Youth Voice

Coach Core sets out their youth voice framework in this handy info pack. A great way to understand how other organisations embed youth voice.

Front cover of youth voice toolkit from YST

Youth Voice Toolkit

Find out about the essentials on youth voice with this toolkit from Youth Sport Trust.

Young girls at a dance class

PlayUp Club Games

BOING Kids have created PlayUp Club games which are versatile and adaptable.

Group of teenagers playing rugby

Youth Personalities

Here is some research conducted by Sport England on youth personalities.

YST Activity Pack 2024

Youth Activity Pack

Activate youth voice with these activities from Youth Sport Trust.


Join the movement!

Whether as parents, coaches or young people, we all have a role to play in helping create a huge cultural shift in the way we engage children in physical activity, to help them become healthier and happier and to develop them as people.

Happy teenage basketball team celebrating a victory on the court


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